O nas
We are a manufacturer and importer of Christmas trees with many years of experience and knowledge acquired in the course of cooperating with the largest companies in the industry. Since 2000 we wholesale and retail Christmas trees, moreover for nearly 10 years we have been managing a plantation area of over 100 ha.
Choinki.pl consists of people implementing the standards prevailing on world markets. We put quality and trust in the first place. All offered Choinki.pl products can be viewed before purchase.
Choinki.pl provides wholesale services:
- christmas trees
- seedlings
- stands
- components for the care of your trees
We also offer professional assistance in setting up and expanding business related to the Christmas trees trade. which includes help with renting of the point of sale. This also includes support with formalities for starting points of sale, supplying points of sale with all the needed things and delivering our products.
From April 2018, we are a co-founder of the Polish Association of Christmas Tree Growers. Our plantation is one of the twenty five plantations associated in the Polish Association of Christmas Tree Growers. Membership in the Association obliges to observe the quality of the Christmas trees produced. In June 2018, the International Meeting of Christmas Tree Growers took place in Poland, during which four Polish Christmas tree plantations were visited. One of them was our plantation in Wierzchomino.
CHOINKI.PL - the smell of Christmas
po choinki na największy
w Polsce plac hurtowy do Michałowic
koło Warszawy.
(wjazd od ulicy Topolowej)
05-816 Michałowice k. Warszawy